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Some resources for our gallery stockists - you are welcome to use them for promoting our products:​

  • product images

  • maker and workshop images

  • some background information about our experience as designers/ makers.

Product Images

Below is a list of product images, identified with their SKU code, available as zip files for download. Please note that each file can contain several images. Click on the button below corresponding to the product SKU code to download the images. SKU codes can be found on your SOR sheet or under the product description on our website.


After studying architecture to degree level, Jonathan started making handmade wooden products for craft shops, such as jewellery boxes, jewellery and inlaid mirrors, which led to him starting his company, Jonathan Lear Furniture. For the last 30 years Jonathan has made high quality, free standing and built in bespoke fine furniture, running a successful business until deciding to return to his original passion of making handcrafted wooden jewellery boxes using a range of techniques including marquetry. Cubi boxes are made with care and attention to detail, are aesthetically beautiful, feel tactile to hold, open and close perfectly and have environmental credentials.


Jonathan and Sarah Lear, the founders of Cubi Boxes have a long history of designing and making furniture, ceramics, textiles and jewellery, as well as enjoying painting and photography. Jonathan is the maker of all the boxes, as well as running his bespoke furniture company, Jonathan Lear Furniture. He has many year’s experience of making high quality built-in and free-standing furniture, developing his knowledge and skills through the completion of many different projects. Sarah is an assistant teacher and the company design and marketing assistant. Their main source of inspiration comes from twentieth century art and design and the natural landscape. 

After graduating with degrees in Architecture and Design & Technology in 1987 Jonathan and Sarah have pursued interests in art and design, centred around work, family and home. They have a life-time love of visiting Cornwall as often as they can, to be near the sea and immerse themselves in the creative Cornish culture. They like to seek out contemporary galleries and design lead shops during their travels, both home and abroad. Through this love of designing and making they have developed several ranges of small, contemporary wooden boxes and recently launched them through a few select galleries, on their website and Instagram @cubiboxes.

Cubi produces two main ranges of boxes - layered plywood with veneers in vibrant colours and solid walnut with marquetry tops. They are all aesthetically beautiful, feel tactile to hold, open and close perfectly and have sustainable, environmental credentials.

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